Human beings deal with many different challenges in life, however, the context in which we deal with things are all from the same domain:

Here at OPES Coaching, we empower you to shift your perspective from one of survival to one of spirituality, enabling you to effectively navigate life when it’s demanding the best of you.




For as long as I can remember, I have been in awe of our human species. As a young boy growing up in Bangladesh, I often found myself observing others, watching how people interact and engage.

Through my observations, my heart expanded and I felt this deep need to be able to reach people in an impactful way. To be able to connect, dive deep, and have meaningful conversations that can impact the fullness of people’s lives.

I founded OPES Coaching to empower people just like you & me in mastering ourselves and creating the life of our dreams.


  • Discover your Natural Leadership

  • Learn the Magic of Communication

  • Create a Life of Joy & Love


    What are the characteristics of a great leader?

    How does one show up as a leader to connect & inspire during a crisis or breakdown?

    The Four Foundational Pillars of Leadership are your access to being a leader under any circumstance. Just like when you first got balance from riding a bike, once you get the BEING of leadership, it’s yours forever.


    One of the biggest challenges of being a manager is consistently & effectively empowering your teams in producing results.

    We teach you some of the fundamental ways that will have you connect, lead and produce greatness within yourself and your teams

    The time of sacrificing people and relationships in order to produce results is over. You really can have it all.


    Marilyn Monroe said “if you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.”

    If we stop to think about that, it’s so backwards.

    Most of us are a reaction waiting to happen and we end up giving our leftovers to the people we love the most. So, how do we give our best to each other? How do we create an environment where we continue to expand the ‘honeymoon stage’ of any relationship?

    It’s possible, and you are capable of it.


“The coaching I got from Michael unlocked something in me I didn’t even know needed to be unlocked. I feel like the rest of my life begins today. Thank you OPES Coaching for altering my future!”

CEO of Beam-In Studios

“With support from Michael, I created a new money mindset which had me get out of $14k of debt in just one year & raise my credit score by 30-points. I now buy things with ZERO guilt. Thank you so much for giving my life to me.”

CEO of Gibson Goddess Photography and Co-Founder of Ignited Programs

“Working with Michael has made a really big difference in my life. I’ve kept the 20 lbs off and I have a whole new relationship to my finances. I have my power back and I’m able to manage and live a completely different type of life. He is always available, always there, and his listening is filled with kindness and love. Michael I wish you all the best and I hope your light keeps shining brighter every day as you continue to make a difference for people.”

HS Teacher & Community Leader

“Michael's coaching made a tremendous difference in my life. He brought such a unique curiosity to everything I was managing around my business, my passion projects & my relationships. We quickly learned how thin I was being spread by working 60+ hours a week. Michael worked with me in being effective in managing my time, communicating and empowering my teams, and seeing to it I made time for myself and my personal relationships. I was able to reduce my workload to 40 hours and still got everything done. He listened to me BIG and I’m grateful for the care and dedication be brought to every conversation.”

Entrepreneur & Sr. Designer

“It is important that you get clear for yourself that your only access to impacting life is action. The world does not care what you intend, how committed you are, how you feel or what you think, and certainly it has no interest in what you want and don’t want. Take a look at life as it is lived and see for yourself that the world only moves for you when you act.”


Take Action And Contact Us For A Complimentary Consultation.

No strings attached.

Let’s look, let’s speculate, let’s discover what’s missing such that you can show up as your most Authentic & Powerful Self.

OPES Coaching is based out of Los Angeles, California.

We Serve Clients In All 50-states, Canada and Europe.

Let’s Get To Know Each Other.

Send Us A Message And Let’s Schedule Your Complimentary & Zero Strings Attached 20-Min Opportunity Call.

We Look Forward To Connecting With You & Making A Difference With What Matters To You Most.